
August 29, 2009

I didn't have any time for stamping today, but I thought that I would share with you all some pictures of my family.

All summer I wanted to take our son to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA. It's only about an hour and 20 minutes from us and so we decided that today we would go.

My son had a good time, but it was very crowded and I was a bit disappointed that there were not Crayola employees guiding us or demonstrating what we were to do. I sort of felt that we were on our own and we had to constantly try and find an employee and ask questions about the craft stations and displays.

It cost us just under $30 for the entrance tickets for my husband, myself, and my son (the baby was free). To be quite honest I don't think that I would go back again, but it was a fun day for my son. In the first picture here he was making a sand art project, and of course that was an additional fee of $4.

In the second picture here my and my husband are drawing with side walk chalk on the floor in the side walk station.

My son loves to draw with his side walk chalk at home; it's one of his favorite outside activities.

In this picture my son is playing with the water table. This is a large table that you can move the yellow and blue plastic pieces to create sort of a pathway for the boats to float through.

My son loved doing this and we spent most of our time here, he just didn't want to leave.

That's the baby sitting in her stroller and playing with her toy phone. She was pretty good throughout the entire day and didn't fuss too much.

The last picture that I thought I would share with you all is a picture of my baby girl standing. Here she's only 6 1/2 months old and this is her first time standing.

I ran for the camera so fast in hopes that I could catch this moment. I love this picture, she's laughing at me as if to say...ha, can't stop me now....LOL

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