
October 2, 2009

Today's limited supply challenge is to create a card using Christmas tree! WOW! This year is flying by so quickly. In just a few weeks I'll be putting up my Christmas trees! I'm not looking forward to chasing the baby and keeping her away from the tree. And especially that my tree spins! I can just see her now grabbing the ornaments!

I have to admit, it took me a while to color in this image. You should have seen me! I was coloring while I was feeding the baby her lunch today.

I'm pretty happy with the way my coloring turned out, but I'm thinking maybe it's a tad bit too dark. I tried to stay within the Earth Elements color family while I was coloring.

Once my coloring was done I assembled my card. I wasn't sure how I wanted to assemble it because the image is so busy I didn't want to add too many layers or embellishments, and this is what I came up with; just one layer of Old Olive and a small ribbon treatment. I didn't even stamp a sentiment; I thought I could stamp something inside and leave the front less cluttered.

Well, tomorrow is World Card Making Day and I'm planning on making some cards tomorrow, that is if my husband lets me have some time to stamp ;)

Have a great weekend and Happy Stamping!

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