
October 6, 2009

Hi hope you all are doing well! Today is a beautiful day here in PA :) I spent the day today coming up with an idea for the scrapbox giveaway on splitcoast stampers. You still have until 12:00 CST on Friday, October 9, 2009 to enter. Here is the link for more information on how to enter for your chance to win a scrapbox.

To anyone who might be reading this, feel free to visit my thread (and post a message for me) and see why I so desperately need a scrapbox. Here's the link to my thread.

As you can see, the baby still sleeps in our bedroom because my craft room will have to turned into her bedroom pretty soon. I'm not quite sure where I'm going to go with all of my stuff, but winning a scrapbox would be the perfect answer to my storage problem. I'm really hoping that I win, but I never win anything and after looking at some of the other threads that were posted I don't think I have much of a chance, but I thought I would give it a try.

The thought has crossed my mind that I might have to give up my stamping hobby, but it would really kill me to sell my stuff and I truly enjoy my stamping. It's one hobby that I started and I didn't give up on it.

I would love it I received some posts on my scrapbox thread, plus it is a cute little story!!!

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