
December 2, 2009

There's a lady who works with my husband that has been checking out my blog lately. My husband says that she's looking to find the Christmas card that she wants to receive this year.....LOL Well, Mo....(that's her name) How do you like this card?

Poor Mo, hopefully she will smile when she reads this post. She has been having a terrible time trying to get her fridge fixed this past week. Her fridge keeps breaking and the repair man hasn't been able to fix it yet and her fridge is still fairly new. They just don't make things like they used to!

For today's card, I decided to do a little more sponging today and so this is the card that I came up with. I just purchased this stamp set and I have been waiting for some time to play with it. I decided to mount the trees and sentiment separately.

I inked my tree image using Handsome Hunter ink and then I took my Always Artichoke ink pad and I sort of thumped the edge of the ink pad over the tree image. I really like the results I got. The trees look like different shade of green without a lot of work. After I had the trees inked the way that I wanted I wiped off the bird part of the stamp and I colored it Rose Red using my SU marker. Then I stamped the stamp onto my card stock.

Then I started sponging my background. I sponged a little bit towards the center of the trees using Barely Banana ink and then I started working outward using Bashful Blue, Brocade Blue, and Night of Navy along the edges. I did have to create a mask so that the ink from my sponging would not transfer onto the snow along the bottom.

Once my sponging was finished I just stamped the Season's Greetings sentiment using Rose Red ink. And that was it! Super quick and easy, and a great card for mailing- without any large knots or ribbon treatment.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Patty, I love the card. Hope your friends fridge gets fixed real soon. Welcome to
    Stamps R Us blogging group.

  2. This is just beautiful! Great job and I bet Moe will love it!

  3. Beautiful sponging. Great clean and simple card. I love how you used the stamp set and the colors.


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