
December 9, 2009

Hi everyone! I don't have a card to share with you all today (I'm almost out of white card stock, which I use a lot of) and it's my son's birthday tomorrow.

We spent the day today making cup cakes for his parts at preschool and I thought I would share a picture with you.

My son is looking at those cup cakes as if he is about to dig in....LOL

I usually make these ice cream cone cup cakes every year. I made them for my older daughter when she was little and everyone always seems to like them and they are really easy to make.

I just mix the cake batter like you normally would and fill the ice cream cones. You have to make sure that you only fill the cones 3/4 full otherwise they will spill over. Then I let them cool and I icing the tops, add half a cherry, and some sprinkles....yum, yum! In my picture you will see some tin foil that I have rolled up and put inbetween each row of cup cakes. I do that to keep them standing up.

Tomorrow is my son's birthday, so I probably won't be able to post again until Friday. Have a great week and thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Give your son a big Happy Birthday for me.Those cupcakes look so good. I'm a big time Sweet lover.I wish I can say no to Chocolate,cake and especially Icing.

  2. Yummy! Those cupcakes look so good! Happy Birthday to your son! Hes got a great Mom! Hugs...Cookie :D

  3. Those cupcakes look super yummy!!! I've never seen them before and will have to give it a try! TFS!


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