
January 26, 2010

I recieved this sweet friends award yesterday from Lynn. Thank you so much, Lynn. You've made my day!!! Be sure to visit Lynn's blog and see her wonderful crafting!

Now it's my turn. I am supposed to list 10 things that make me happy, and then send this award to 5 other bloggers. I still feel as though I'm pretty new to the world of blogging, so I've decided to share this with my my friends whose blog I visit daily (I don't always have time to leave a comment, but I do visit you ladies daily. BTW- it was hard to pick only 5.

Cookie- Cards by Cookie
Trish- Encourage Joy
Dawn- Everything Under the Sun
Karen- Feline Creative
Carrie- Stamps, Scraps and Scissors

Be sure to stop by and check out thier blogs, they are all wonderful stampers and they give me such inspiration!

Now you ladies will need to copy and paste the award to your blog, note who gave you the award with the link to her blog, and then pass the award to 5 more bloggers. Be sure and visit their blog and let them know.

Here's my list of 10 things that make me happy (not in any special order):

1- family & friends
2- stamping & crafting
3- being in good health- my family included
4- my dog
5- being a stay at home mom- I've very lucky to be able to stay home with my children
6- when my children make me proud
7- peace & quiet during nap time...LOL if you have children you know what I mean
8- when I receive real mail- everything today is done through email or on the phone
9- hanging laundry outside- funny I know, but I love the smell of fresh clean clothes
10- when my husband says to me....honey, you know you were right! LOL


  1. Wow, thanks for the award. I can't believe you chose me! Thanks alot.

    Question though - I can't figure out how to copy and paste onto my blog.

  2. Patty!!!
    You are so sweet!! Thank you so much for the award...Big hugs coming your way...I hope your doing great! Blessings....Cookie :D


I enjoy sharing my work with everyone and I would love to have you would follow my blog. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment for me. Have a great day!