
April 18, 2010

Hi everyone!  Today I thought I would share a tutorial with you.  I have received several emails asking how I make my scalloped circles and ovals using a corner rounder punch.  If  you are like me and you don't have nesties you can still make these beautiful scallop shapes like we see the the online card galleries.  I didn't create this technique, I read about it online.

The first thing you will need to do is to cut out a circle.  Here I used my Coluzzle circle template and Coluzzle knife, but you can use any tool you have that will allow you to cut a circle such as:  circle scissors plus, large circle punch, Cricut, etc.

The next thing you will need is a pair of paper snips (or other sharp scissors), and a corner rounder punch.  This is my favorite corner rounder punch for this technique.  SU does have a larger one and it will work, but your scallops will be larger.

You will want to start punching using your punch all along the outside edges of your cut out circle.  Punch your punch once and then move it along and just next to the edge of your punched notch you will want to punch it again.

Keep doing this all the way around the edge.  It takes a little bit to learn how much you will need to move your punch over to punch again.  You should be able to see your scalloped edge through your punch.  I tend to punch again just when I can see the edge of my previous scallop through the back side of my corner rounder punch.

Here is a photo of what your scallop circle will look like once you have finished punching all the way around the edges. 

You will want to carefully remove the outside edging from your scalloped circle.  Sometimes you may need to cut it away from your circle and this is where your paper snips come in handy.  Just carefully snip off the cardstock that wasn't cut all the way through with your corner rounder punch.

 And this is what you will have once you have removed the outer punched piece of card stock. Now sometimes my scallops don't always come out so evenly once I reach the end of my circle.  Once you are close to the end of your circle you have to judge to see how many more punches you can get before reaching where you started. 

And that's about it, now you can proceed with completing your card or project.  Like I said above, this technique can done with ovals too.  I really like this method of making my scallop shapes because I can make them any size I need.  And using my Coluzzle template is just perfect because then all I  need to do is to cut out my stamped image using the next smaller size on my template and it's a perfect size layer.

And in case anyone is interested the photo below is of the card I was making with these scallop circles.  I have posted this card on my blog before, but I needed to make more of these cards so I thought I might as well take a moment to share with everyone how I make my scallop circles.   
If anyone would like some more information about the card I have pictured above you can find it here.
Like always, if anyone has any questions for me, feel free to send me an email.  If you look under my profile and click on 'View my complete profile' you will then see a section titled 'contact'.  Just click on the email link under the contact section and you will be able to send me a message.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!


  1. OK Patty, I'm off to try this out! Wish me luck. By the way - your card is lovely!

  2. Thank you for the tutorial. I always wondered how to do that. And your art work is gorgeous. I love the turn out! The card ended up just perfect!

  3. Hi,Patty. Great tutorial.Thanks!

  4. thanks for showing that. you make it look so easy but mine never turns out even lol. i think ill stick to scallop punches or my spellbinder dies LOL.


  5. That's a great tutorial! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Neat way to make a scallop circle! It looks time consuming.

    Nice card with it too! I like the colors.

  7. Thanks for the tutorial.I really like your card.I like the colors.

  8. I tried this tonight, you made it look so simple and pretty... It was an EPIC FAIL....seems i need to more practice.

  9. Hey this is so cool! I will have to try this out! Great card too.

  10. I really like all the embossing on here, adds such nice texture.

  11. Patty that's way cool!! Your so full of ideas. Love the card too!
    I posted about your blog candy on my blog BTW!!


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