
November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!  I spent some time at my mother in law's house and we had a really nice dinner.  Tonight my teenage daughter and I will be doing our midnight shopping like we do every year although this year there really isn't anything that we need, but it will be nice to just go out and spend some time together. 

I do not have a card to share with you today, but I do have a few pictures that I wanted to post a few weeks ago, but I just never got around to it.  The two pictures below are of my back yard when the leaves were at their peak fall color.  Of course the leaves are now all off the trees and we even have some snow on the ground.  I just had to take a picture of how pretty the leaves, my husband said it was a 'blog worthy' photo.

The next picture of my children on Halloween.  I took this picture right before they went trick or treating.  My older daughter stayed home and gave out candy to the children who came to our home and my husband and I took our smaller children around the neighborhood.  The baby was Dorothy from The Wizard of OZ and my son was a fire fighter again this year.  That is all my son wants to be for Halloween, he was a fire fighter last year too! 

This is one of the nicest photos I have of my three children together and of course did you notice the pumpkin I carved!?   I know it's hard to see in my photo, but it's a carving of a haunted house.

Well, that's all I have for today.  I'm off to get ready for some shopping.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'll try to post again tomorrow.  I'm not sure yet if I will have time because I will be spending the day putting up our Christmas tree and making turkey soup.  I do this every year on black Friday- it's sort of my tradition.


  1. I love the changing leaves. Love the pics of your little cute!

  2. fab photos...cute little ones too...

  3. Hi Patty,

    Wonderful fall foliage pictures. Your children are adorable!


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