
December 5, 2011

Hi everyone!  Thank you so much for being patient with me this past week.  I spent the entire week last week getting ready for a cookie exchange party at my house yesterday.  My party went very well and I thing everyone had a great time plus we had an opportunity to try some great new cookies and exchange recipes.  Thank you to those of you who came to my first cookie exchange!  I'm looking forward to doing it again next year.

After we ate some food and had some cookies I planned for everyone to make a few holiday cards and the card I am posting today is one of the cards we made.  Since it was a larger group I had the snowman hats made ahead of time and I had everything else punched out for everyone.

The snow along the bottom of my card was made using the paper tearing technique and then I added some glitter along the torn portion of the card stock.

The snowman was made using several circle punches.  The eyes and mouth I just drew in using my SU black marker.  The nose is just a small triangle cut from some orange scrap paper.  The arms are 2 portions cut from the snowflake punch.

To create the hat I punched out a black 1" square and then I punched out some black card stock using my word window punch.  I then took the card stock from the word window I punched it again.  I slipped it back into the word window punch to punch it again making it shorter.  The leaf in the snowman hat was from the leafy branch of the bird builder punch and then the holly berry was simply a 1/4" circle punch using real red card stock.

I waited until my card was finished until I made my background.  After my snowman was glued on I stamped my sentiment using white craft in and then using my white gel pen I placed dots on my background for the snowflakes.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Don't forget to enter to win the Stampin' Up! Simply Score Tool that I am giving away.  Click on this link here here for more details about my giveaway.  Only 8 more followers and we will soon have a winner.  Have a great day.  Tomorrow I'll be posting anther card that we made yesterday at my cookie party.

Stamps: Bells & Boughs
Card Stock: White, Brilliant Blue, Chocolate Chip, Black, Only Orange, Old Olive, Real Red
Ink: Craft White Ink
Supplies: Ribbon, Glue Dots, 2 Way Glue Pen, DD Glitter, White Gel Pen, and Punches:  Word Window, 1 1/4" Square, Bird Builder, 1/4" Circle, 1 3/4", 1 1/4", & 1" Circle, and Snowflake
Technique:  Punch Art, Paper Tearing
Contact me today if you would like to place an order or to be added onto my mailing list!
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  1. Sounds like you had a great day! Very cute snowman!

  2. Amazing! I'll have to try one of these little guys with punches! Very cute card and I love that blue background!

  3. SUPER cute! I'm definitely going to try one of these snowmen, he turned out terrific! TFS

  4. Patty, that snowman is too darn cute!

  5. Hi Patty,
    Sounds like lots of fun... a cookie party!! I wished I lived close to you I would have come :)

    I totally love your snowman card, he is so FAB! Grate job Ms Lady!

    I am going to go make another post on my blog for you about the scorer. So maybe more will follow you and you can do the drawing. Cuz I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my # gets drawn LOL!
    Have a great crafty day!

  6. I love this snowman! Fabulous card.

  7. Awww, your snowman is adorable, Patty! Sounds like you had a good time with your cookie exchange/card making event.

  8. Cute card. Love the three punched pieces to make the snowman.

  9. Such a cutie! I love the snow drifts and how you did your snowman! :)


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