
June 28, 2010

I hope everyone had a great weekend! They seem to fly so fast these days, don't they?

I wanted to post a quick message to let you know that I probably won't be posting any cards for another day or two. The cord to my laptop computer is broken and my husband had to order me another one. He found one on eBay for a couple dollars and it might even be here tomorrow.

I can't use my laptop without the cord because the battery doesn't hold a charge either. Sounds like I need a new computer, right? Well, maybe Santa will bring me one :)

Have a great week and I'll keep myself busy making some cards so that I have some to post once my computer is up and running again.

Enjoy your week!


  1. I hope your new cord arrives soon.

  2. Hope you have a fun and safe weekend! See you in blog land soon!

  3. We MISS you! Hope your laptop is fixed soon, come back!!!!!!!!!

  4. Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! Sending belated Happy Anniversary wishes your way. A weekly date night sounds like a great idea!


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