
July 6, 2010

Hey all! I'm here and still alive!

My computer is back up and running again and I wanted to take a minute to pop in and say hello!

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

We went to see fireworks and we were invited to a couple of picnics.  We also went swimming and visited some of our family, plus this week was my wedding anniversary.

Hubby surprised me and we went on a 'date'.  We had a great time and I told him we should do this every week!

We almost never get a chance to go out without the children and it was nice to have some time just for ourselves, especially because we've been so busy lately.

I promise to get back into my regular postings, but for today I thought I would share a picture from our local fireworks display. Our town almost didn't have our annual fireworks this year due to not having enough money, but someone generously donated the funds that were needed!


  1. Glad you had fun at the fireworks and on your date! Also happy your computer is back up and running too! Looking forward to some posts!

  2. Happy 4th of July! Glad to hear you had lots of fun and got to spend quality time with the family!!!

  3. Glad to see you back, and glad you enjoyed the weekend and your anniversary. Great fireworks picture!


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